ParcelHub serves as the main delivery center in the Kuala Selangor area, providing easy, efficient, and reliable parcel management and delivery services.
With an extensive delivery network and the latest technology, ParcelHub Kuala Selangor ensures that every item arrives on time with high safety and efficiency.
Information about ParcelHub Kuala Selangor
The ParcelHub Selangor branch is located at No 32, Jalan Medan Niaga 4 Medan Niaga Kuala Selangor, 45000 Selangor
ParcelHub Kuala Selangor Contact Number
The following is the information to contact ParcelHub Kuala Selangor:
Tel : 03-6078 4931
Email : [email protected]
ParcelHub Kuala Selangor Operating Hours
The operating hours of ParcelHub Kuala Selangor are as follows:
- Monday – Saturday (9:30 am – 5:30 pm)
- Sunday – Closed